I hope you enjoyed my post Cool things to do online when you are bored!There really is a lot to explore on the World Wide Web. Just to reminisce for a moment, it was in high school at good ol' Miles Mac (Go Buckeyes) that I first used the World Wide Web and I still remember the very first thing I searched.
Now, being in high school you would think it was make up tips or my favourite celebrity.
But, in reality there really wasn't much on the World Wide Web yet and the only thing I really knew that I could successfully connect to was The Oprah Winfrey Show. As I had heard her advertise it on her show. So, that was my first search lol. Anyway, I digress but my point is that for most of my childhood and teenage years we had to have fun without the use of a screen.
During this time of social distancing you may want to take a break from the screen. You may even need to share a device with siblings, so here are some fun things you can do without a screen.
Note: you may want to print this list :)
1. Practice your art skills!
You really don't need much for this activity. Paper and a pencil and maybe some crayons is really all you need. You may already have a great imagination and enjoy drawing. So ideas will come to you and you can draw right from your imagination. Sometimes it is harder to think of something to draw. If you have a hard time thinking of things to draw, get out your favourite story and draw a picture from the book. All that matters if you do your best and have fun while doing it.

It is also fun to draw things around you. Almost like a journal but without words. You can draw your pets, your room, your family or even your feelings. Just have fun with your art and enjoy the chance to be creative.
2. Continuing with the art theme, one of my favourite forms of art!

The things you can create are endless. From hopscotch courses to soccer nets, sidewalk chalk is incredibly versatile and never gets old! It is hard not to smile when you pass a creative chalk piece on your daily walk. One idea my kids and I tried out today was to walk to some neighbours and leave messages in sidewalk chalk on their driveways. Unlike toilet papering your friends house for fun, this sidewalk chalk message is self cleaning and will fade and wash away over time and it is sure to bring a smile to their face.
3. Play some ball!
It can really be any type of ball. You don't need a basketball net to practice basketball just get outside and play with a ball. Practice dribbling and your form. Pick a spot on the side of your house and pretend it is a net. See how many times you can hit the same spot.

Most important is to get outside toss around a ball and enjoy the fresh air.
4. Bake some goodies
Everyone likes sweet treats, am I right? Find a simple, tried and tested recipe for a sweet treat and do some baking with your family. If you are too young to bake on your own ask a sibling or parent for some help.

We used this recipe to make some taste cookies that got gobbled up in a day.

You don't need a ton of ingredients if you have a cake mix available. Just use the cake mix to make a cake, cupcakes or even cake pops. Yummy!!!
5. Build, build, build
One of our favourite things to do here at home is to build with Lego (or the Dollar Tree version of Lego). You can use your imagination to build anything you like! If you have a kit, follow the directions and create a masterpiece, or even turn your Lego into a creative game. Here is one idea we are trying out:

Lego Mazes!
There are so many fun things to do with Lego. Here is another fun idea: Make a structure for your Lego people.
Here is our version for the Clone Trooper:

I know, I know Clone Troopers don't have light sabers but, this is actually Luke Skywalker disguised as a Clone Trooper.
Another thing you can try if you are a big Lego fan like us is this Lego challenge that we found online.

Have fun with your Lego. Maybe you will be the next great engineer.
6. Plant a seed, flower, or baby flower.
Planting is relaxing, rewarding and one of my favourite things to do. (I will talk about planting as therapeutic in a later blog post) I know it is still chilly and snowy outside but that doesn't mean you can't plant. Right now, at the end of March, is the perfect time to plant seeds for future transfer into a garden. If it is your first time planting try something fail-proof like tomato seeds or a sunflower. If you are not a big vegetable planter you can plant baby flowers from their parents.
Follow these steps:
1. Find a baby that is already growing or clip a little piece off the plant.

2. Put the clipping in a jar and cover with water then place in the sunlight for about a week.

3. When it is ready (you can tell when you see tiny roots growing) simply put the plant in a container with some soil and water.
4. Make sure to put your plant in the sun and keep the soil moist.

Taking care of plants is rewarding and fun. It also can make a never- ending gift for someone you love. Just keep clipping the babies and growing them.
7. Paper airplanes anyone?

This is the only good part about not being in school- you can throw paper airplanes without consequences. Make it fun!
Create a few different designs and see which one can go the farthest
Compete against your siblings or parents to see who can create the fastest airplane, or whose travels the farthest
Have a paper airplane design contest to see who can be the most colourful or creative
Just have fun!
8. Nerf target practice
I am not one to promote foam dart use but if it involves dart wars and having fun I will give it a thumbs up. This was shared with me by a fellow teacher and friend. She and her two children created this foam dart math game!
She would give them a math equation and they would have to knock down the correct number with their dart blaster. Now I am not saying you have to use math to play this game, but creating some sort of challenge is always more fun.

You do not even need the plastic balls on top if you don't have any. The toilet paper rolls are light enough to fall over with the force of the dart.
**** safety warning****
These darts are not to be shot at siblings or parents. They can really hurt, especially if you are hit in the face. So please play safe!
9. Decorate your windows with art
This is a great time to be creative and show off some amazing art to your neighbours. I know I love going on may daily walks with my puppies and seeing all the art work my neighbours are displaying in their windows.
Whether you have Easter art or hearts or just your amazing creative pieces, think about taping it up in your windows so that passers by can enjoy your designs too. After you have decorated your windows take a family stroll to see if your neighbours have done the same.
10. Recycled crafts
This is a great one because you are being creative, as well as reusing. The opportunities with this activity are endless. Use the cardboard from your cereal boxes to cut out dolls. Use old shirts or rags to make some clothes for your dolls. If you have, save those toilet paper rolls. (As a small child, I would call them "yawnels").
Paper towel rolls and yawnels- oh, sorry, I mean toilet paper rolls- are like gold in recycled crafting. You can make so many things out of them. Just use your imagination and begin to create. A friend of mine shared with me today a craft that her and her young son did using yawnels. Just take a look at these adorable bunnies:

Just please make sure to clean up after your mess. Recycled crafting is so much fun but super messy and you don't want to leave that to someone else to tidy.
I hope this list helps you to take a break from the screen and use your imagination. I would love to see all your amazing creations or other ideas you could add.
Be helpful, be mindful, be kind!